Zoom Revived our Church's Men's Ministry

A new lifeline for isolated men

M.M. O'Keefe
9 min readApr 5, 2022
"Get Real" on Zoom gave us a lifeline while in our COVID man caves (Photo: Canva).

COVID shoved the men of our church deeper into isolation caves, where we spiritually withered battling depression and temptation alone. We needed our brothers in the faith, but how could we connect when we could scarcely leave our dwellings?

The answer: Zoom + Jesus every Tuesday at 7 a.m.

100 straight weeks

The publication of this article marks the 100th consecutive Zoom gathering of men in our Northern Virginia Church, joined, as we have been surprised to discover, by men far beyond also starving for masculine connection. The results have been so positive that we have no plans to stop, even though we can meet in person now.

This article is the story of how one church leveraged Zoom to lift our spirits and renew our dormant men's ministry.

We called our gathering "Get Real" because we wanted a safe place where Christian men could be their authentic selves.

We typically draw 45 to 65 men. That may not sound like a lot, but numbers like that would be challenging to match if we met at our brick-and-mortar church near Washington, D.C. There is no way we could have done it 100 consecutive weeks.



M.M. O'Keefe

I write about faith, fathering, sports, recovery and history — hoping to inspire you.